LISTEN HERE: Ancient Ghosts


Parents Like You

Mom and Dad, you gave a great deal to my brothers and me.
The world needs more...
"Parents Like You"
In this world filled with sorrow, with pain and with fear
I give thanks for the presence of two who are dear,
For their life-giving love has always supplied
The strength upon which I've so often relied.
So little is said of the father and mother
Who sacrifice all for the love of each other.
The example of unselfish love that they live
Is the basis of all I've been taught to believe.
For the growth of a person depends upon more
Than the food that he eats, and a roof, and a floor.
The love that is given to young ones in need
Nourishes true life in the children we breed.
For the words of the Lord reach the ears of the mind
And the vision of meaning gives sight to the blind
And the voices He uses in life at its start
Are those of our parents when He lives in their hearts.
The love of a father and mother can glow
In the heart of a child who is blessed to know
The glory of God made known on this earth
Through the Christ in the people who gave him birth.
So with words that come easy with paper and song
I verbalize feelings and pray I'm not wrong
For my feeble attempts at heartfelt expressions
Speak volumes of gratitude, love and affection.
They say words are cheap, yet those left unsaid
Are the ones we regret when our loved ones are dead.
So while life here is shared let us speak to each other
And give our love freely to father and mother.
For the life you have given, I can only say thanks
For it's parents like you who fall in the ranks
Of the holy, the good, the pure and the true,
And I'm sure our God blesses parents like you.
copyright 1995 Cáit Finnegan

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